Want to see what happens when mixing copper and blonde hair dyes? That question can virtually be answered using common sense.
It is possible to achieve a paler shade of red when using a mixture of red and blonde food colorings.
A level 9 or 10 blondes is required to achieve the light copper color you want.
You'll also need to use a 30-volume developer instead of a 20-volume developer, which you'd use with most dyes.
The process of matching hair color might be stressful and full of questions, so we're here to answer them all. You'll find everything you need to get started combining your hair colors down below.
What Happens After Mixing Copper And Blonde Hair Dye?
It all depends on how much red pigment your hair has and how vital the dye is. It is common for box dyes to have a concentration of 20-volume.
The red pigment in your hair will be neutralized, but that won't make you a natural blond. Red is the most challenging shade for hair coloring or lightening. Bleaching and toning are more effective options.
It won’t work if you go to the store, pick up the first red dye you see, and mix it with any old blonde.
Because if you don’t choose the exact right blonde, then all you’ll do is end up wasting money since you’ll have to end up throwing both boxes of dye away.
Do you want to know my first recommendation in terms of red shades?
First, find your perfect red in the color kits that the most well-known brands sell.
Believe it or not, brands don’t just offer red dyes; they also have burgundy, coppers, purples, and even colors that stylists call pale red.
If you can’t find “that red,” the unique one that defines your style, you’ve reached the point where you will need to make your red dye by mixing red and blonde shades.
But, you must remember that reds are particular shades usually outside the color palette, which is why each brand has a unique number system for these colors.
Taking Care of Your Copper and Blod dyed Hair

Using a sulfate-free shampoo is a good place to start, but don't wash your hair for at least 72 hours.
Your hair color will remain longer if you let the dye sit on your hair for 72 hours.
How did you use a 30-volume developer?
Because a 30-volume developer is more potent than a 20-volume developer, your hair will likely feel dry after applying it. So, once a week, treat your hair to a moisturizing mask.
For those who prefer a darker shade of red, your hair may turn copper or even orange after some time.
It's advisable to use the blue shampoo once a week to eliminate those unpleasant hues if that happens.
Get out there and show the world what a beautiful shade of red you are.
Why Should I Mix 2 Hair Colours?
You have complete control over the lightness/darkness, hue, and brilliance of your hair color when you combine two different shades.
Mixing two hair colors will give the following outcomes:
Make a Hair Color that's Exactly What You Want.
Achieve a hair color that's somewhere in-between. As an illustration, consider the range of shades from 3 dark brown to 5 light brown.
If you want your Hair Color to pop a little more, add some warmth or brightness to it.
Neutralize or cool down your hair color.
How To Choose Hair Colors For Mixing?
The shade of your primary color that you prefer the best will serve as the foundation of your color scheme. With 8.44 Intense Copper Blonde, for example, you can tone down the intensity but keep the color as your dominant one.
Hair Color should be determined by the secondary color you choose.
Darken your hair color by adding a darker shade to your secondary color.
Mixing in a Lighter Shade of Hair Color will lighten your hair color.
Make your hair color cooler by incorporating ash or beige shade into the formula.
Mix a Golden, Chocolate, or Copper Shade with your Hair Color to add warmth.
Mixing a Natural Shade with your primary Color might help tone down the intensity of the hue.